Friday, January 9, 2009

All the Heavenly Lights

We are at an important crossroads in history. We have been there for several years, it is true, and I believe it will be several years more before the weight of history shifts inexorably onto a single path. A decade in total, perhaps; a long while for a human, but nothing more than a blink of the eye to humanity in all its long existence.

There are so many possible paths. Many are unlikely, but even the ones that seem somewhat probable number in the dozens. Even if one narrows down the future to a handful of broad sets and descriptions, each path is in actuality a spectrum, a sliding scale of nigh-infinite combinations and intensities. In such an enviroment, it is easy to get lost. To lose one's way and find oneself adrift, lost in space and ultimately lost to the record of history.

The course of human progress is like a path, but a path beset by waves and storms and rocky shoals. It is no road, but a current! I have spent too long adrift, hiding behind the swells and the frothing caps, hoping pitifully to be carried to the correct destination. That is no way to sail. I will no longer be a passenger on the current of history. I am a Cyber Knight. I am a capsuleer. I make my own waves. With others, I make a current.

I have the power to help dictate the course of future progress. I have a duty to use that power for the good of all God's children. I must believe this is true.

I must believe this is true and I must choose a path. God give me strength.

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