Friday, December 19, 2008

To Be Immortal

Writers write, we are sometimes told, to make themselves immortal. Far from now, someone will read these words and think of me. This is true, I think, of some writers. But not of me; I am, after all, immortal, or so close to immortal as to make little difference. Why then, would I write? The truth is, I did not write for quite some time. Not as a girl, nor as a capsuleer.

I write now because these words are not about preserving me in the minds of others. They are about explaining things, about demonstrating things, about preserving thoughts and dreams that I might lose to some future self if I am not attentive to the preservation of these ideas and their meaning. I do not write so that some future people will pause and think of me: I write so that some future me will pause and remember to be who she was. I write so that current readers will see how I view the world and, perhaps, come to view it that way as well.

This, then, is a journal, a speech and a poem. May God bless its words with the power to reveal.